- Leaf texture from fine to medium coarse
- Color ranges from light to medium green
- Forms a dense, low maintenance lawn
- Warm-season grass
- Excellent for hot, humid and tropical climates
- Tolerates heat exceptionally well up to 100F
- Remains green and resists short periods of drought - takes heat as well or better than any other grass.
- Tolerates very heavy usage
- Slow growing in partial shade, but much better than some warm-season grasses.
- Has the best wear resistance of any grass and tolerates heavy traffic
- Tolerates high salinity and infertile soil relatively well
- Dense turf produced by zoysiagrass prevents most weeds from appearing
- Goes dormant and turns tan to brown at temperatures below 55F
- Can go into summer dormancy when irrigation is withheld; upon return of moisture supply, will green up
- Apply at least 1 inch of water as a deep soaking every, 4 to 7 days to encourage a deep, healthy root system during dry or hot periods
- Avoid frequent, shallow watering - results in shallow roots, permitting weed germination and growth.
- Optimum mowing height 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches for a high quality lawn, slow growth rate reduces mowing frequency
- Mow regularly with a sharp rotary or reel mower, allowing clippings from frequent mowing to remain on the lawn
- Never remove more than 1/3 of the shoot growth at one mowing
- Periodic vertical cutting may be needed to control thatch accumulation if high nitrogen level is applied
- Fertilize twice a year, spring and fall, with a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
- May also apply 1 or 2 summer fertilizer applications in climates with a long growing season