- Deep green color
- Excellent recovery from foot traffic
- Excellent shade tolerance
- Excellent cold tolerance
- More upright leaf growth
- Rapid and deep root growth
- Aggressive enough to compete with weeds- Minimal need for chemical weed control.
- Less fertilizer
- Stays green longer in fall and green up sooner in the spring (than tiftway 419 Bermuda)
- Can go into summer dormancy when irrigation is withheld; upon return of moisture supply, will green up again.
- Warm Season Grass (Goes dormant in winter and turns brown, though roots are still active.)
- During hot or dry periods apply at least 1 inch of water - 4 to 7 days to develop a deep, healthy root system.
- Avoid frequent, shallow watering – this will cause shallow roots, permitting weed germination and growth.
- Fertilize 1 or 2 times a year, spring and fall, with a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium - apply nitrogen at 1-2 lbs per 1,000 sq. ft. per year.
- Apply or have applied pre-emergent (weed preventative) in early spring and fall.