- Dense, medium to dark green turf
- Attractive lawn with a medium to coarse textured grass blade
- Very low maintenance
- Likes hot, humid and tropical climates
- Grows well where rainfall is high
- Grows well in full sun
- Very tolerant to high temperatures, up to 100F
- Some varieties maintain adequate turf quality in 50% shade
- Aggressive enough to compete with weeds, reducing the need for chemical controls
- Seldom requires dethatching
- Grows well in infertile, water-drained soil – has a very low fertilizer requirement
- Warm-season grass - goes dormant at temperatures below 55F in fall turning straw color
- Sensitive to low temperatures
- Suffers in drought, but has a rapid recovery rate
- Can go into summer dormancy when irrigation is withheld, upon return of moisture supply, will green up again
- Will not withstand heavy traffic wear - recovers slowly from damage.
- Apply at least 1 inch of water - thorough soaking every 4 to 7 days to develop a deep, healthy root system
- Avoid frequent, shallow watering - will result in shallow roots, permitting weed germination and growth
- Optimum mowing height is 1-2 inches for a quality lawn
- Slow growth results in less mowing
- Mow regularly with a sharp rotary or reel mower
- Be careful to never remove more than 1/3 of the shoot growth at one mowing
- Prefers an acidic soil pH of 5 to 6.5
- Very low fertilizer requirement. - fertilize 1 or 2 times a year, spring and fall